1. Go to https://npe.codeplex.com/ and download NuGet Package Explorer.


2. Run NuGetPackageExplorer and select Create a new package.


3. The next step is to enter some information about your package for that select Edit Metadata.


4. Fill out all the relevant information about your package, this will help the users to find your package and install them.


5. If your package have any dependencies you can add them by selecting Edit dependencies.


6. On selecting edit dependencies, Package Dependency Editor will open and there you can add a Group and select imageDependency from NuGet feed.


7. A new window will open where all the NuGet packages are listed, there you can search for a particular package and you can also select the specific version.


8. After selecting the dependencies, you can come back to Package contents, there you can Add Content Folder,Add Lib Folder or other folders required for your package. These folders will help you chose the location where you want to drop the files when user installs the your package.


9. You can create files with extension .cs.pp where you can have placeholders and these will get transformed when the user installs the package depending on the project.


10. That’s it after you are done configuring everything you can choose Save As or Publishdirectly to nuget.org.


Yeah, I know that was easy right? but rather than directly publishing the package on nuget.org I prefer saving it on my local system and test it before I publish it. How to do that is simple, open you visual studio go to Tools>Options


In the options, go to NuGet Package Manager and select Package Sources. There you can add the Local NuGet Source where you saved the package you built. This is help you install and test your package before even you publish it.


Hi I am a .NET developer and I always wanted to start a blog to share things I know but I kept postponing it since years. The main problem I see with most of the people (developers) like me is they get confused whether to develop their own blog engine or use one of the popular blogging engines out there in internet, yes it was very tricky for me to come to a conclusion.

Yes, I agree that developing our own blog engine is not a tough task as the schema is very simple and there is a very good scope for customization but you need to consider the following before you start developing one:

  • To use Database or not to use database
  • How to Moderate the comments posted
  • Which Rich Text Editor to use
  • How to integrate the blog with Window Live Writer
  • Responsive UI design with twitter bootstrap
  • Gravatar support for retrieving avatars
  • RSS feeds
  • Have social integration to share and tweet about the post

The more we think of developing a good blog engine it gets more and more complicated and we start to loose lot of time in evaluation things. When I planned to develop my own blog engine I started with the sql database but later decided not to use a database as it will solves my hosting problems (If you are planning to host it on windows azure Sql Database will cost you more) so I planned to use xml or json for storage. For blog comments I thought about three ways to moderate to avoid spam one way is have a approval check so that only admin approved messages will appear to all the readers, second way is use a anti-spam service like Akismet and the third way is to use Disqus after thinking a lot I thought of using admin comments approval system as it was simple to start with. For rich text editor to create blog posts, I wanted to use a simple jQuery based editor and  after evaluating few editors I liked tinyMCE but the problem with it is the free version did not have image manager. For integrating with window live writer (I feel it’s the best way to blog) started reading about MetaWeblog API and few tutorials implement the same but I planned to do this later and started designing responsive UI using twitter bootstrap.

After some initial start in developing the blog engine using ASP.NET MVC and C# as language (which are my strength) I realized that instead of spending more time creating my own blog engine I should consider using some Open Source blog engine and just start blogging. I decided not to use Blogger or Word Press as it will take more time for me to customize as I am more comfortable with ASP.NET. I started my hunt for finding an ideal Open Source blog engine which suits all my requirements and after lot of research I ended up finding MiniBlog it has everything you will need to have in a blog engine. Finally I forked MiniBlog from GitHub and customized it within no time.

PS: Thanks to Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) and Mads Kristensen (@mkristensen) you people inspired me and helped me to start this blog.